IRSO 2016


The 29th International Research Ship Operators (IRSO) meeting occurred on Oct 10-14, 2016.


National Research Council – CNR Facility Anacapri, Island of Capri, Italy

Meeting Information:

2016 IRSO First Information (PDF)

2016 IRSO Draft Agenda (PDF)

2016 IRSO Attendee Program (PDF)

2016 IRSO Accompanying Guests Program (PDF)

2016 IRSO Attendance List (PDF)

Meeting Minutes:

2016 IRSO Meeting Minutes

IRSO 2016 Film:


Day 1: Opening of 29th IRSO and Business

Day 1: Delegates Report of Activity

Day 1: RV Builds, Modifications and Performance

Day 2: RV Builds, Modifications and Performance continued

Day 2: Manning, Safety and Training

Day 2: Scientific Technology

Day 2: Cooperation and Outreach

Day 2: Legal and Insurance

Day 3: Cooperation and Outreach

Day 3: Legal and Insurance